eDigiStars - 2nd Advisory Group meeting of Business Upper Austria, Plastics-Cluster


On May 5th the second Advisory Group meeting of Business Upper Austria, Plastics-Cluster took place online.

Because of the current Covid-19 situation the meeting was held online via MSTeams. The present participants were very active
and provided very valuable feedback to the presented tools. The organizers presented the three drafts of the eDigiStars tools as POWERYOU, CAMPUS and LABEL at the beginning of the meeting. Then a summery of the results of
questionnaire we distributed in preparation of the Advisory Group meeting were presented. After a short break there was an interactive part using the tool “Conceptboard”, which worked rather well and proved to be a very interactive format. There we discussed the main questions of the tool as how we are able to set-up, implement and finance the first pilot training as well as a sustainable way for the future for Upper Austria.

At the end of the meeting the findings were summarized and the next steps of the project were presented as well as we a short feedback round was organized using the tool “Retrotool”.

The meeting went very well. The AG members were very active and provided valuable feedback on the draft versions of the tools as well as concrete ideas how to implement a pilot and a sustainable training for Upper Austria. They asked very critical questions which pointed towards several aspects of the implementation. Based on the valuable input of advisory group, the organizers are able to collaborate closely with their stakeholders to transact successfully the project. They repeatedly professed their interest in and the importance of the project, which leads the project partner to believe that they will be able to work with their AG group very effectively on the project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)