eDigiStars - 2nd Advisory Group meeting of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas


The second meeting of the Advisory Group of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas took place online through the ZOOM Internet platform on June 7 at 11 am.

The meeting was attended by members of the Advisory Group and invited guests. This was done in order to get as much information as possible from the participants about the proposed tools. There was a discussion and discussion on the pros and cons of the proposed instruments. After the presentation of each module, a lively discussion took place. At the beginning, members of the Employment Service of Ukraine, in particular the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Employment Center, which helps us find training participants, said that other vulnerable groups (eg migrants, etc.) are unlikely to be involved, so the focus will be on the elderly.

The POWERYOU module noted that the Employment Service of Ukraine, in particular, the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Employment Center, still does not focus on the elderly, but rather on young people. However, the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Employment Center, in particular Taras Basyuga, spoke positively in support of the project's focus on the elderly, as this could further affect changes in the organization of employment services. 

Regarding the CAMPUS module, most members said that it would be appropriate to involve representatives of companies, firms and organizations that are interested in such employees and involve them in training so that they acquire certain knowledge and skills. The members of the group suggested that the training be organized so that the stronger participants help the weaker ones. They also drew attention to the number of hours of study, as in Ukraine these competencies and skills of 51+ people are acquired at a much lower level than in Europe. Therefore, it was suggested that smaller groups be organized so that each person could be taught and given more time to learn.

Regarding the LABEL module, the advisory group welcomed the possibility of continuing training and modules after the project. They stressed the importance of employers to actively participate in the training process, express their wishes and suggestions during the training process regarding their needs, requirements and expectations. They also suggested including examples of good practice, as they are always perceived positively. At the time of certification, they (AG) considered it important that the certificate be recognized by the companies.




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)