
52 people participated on the 2nd Advisory Groop Meeting in Bulgaria, organized by eDigiStars` partner - Business Agency Association

The aim of the event was to involve the key stakeholders from Bulgaria in the review and improvement of the previously developed versions of the elements POWERYOU, CAMPUS, LABEL of the innovative eDigiStars system.

Silvia Stumpf opened the meeting, presented its objectives and the eDigiStars system. 

She explained that this is not a project for training digitally illiterate people who do not have basic knowledge of digitalization and work in a digital environment, but to upgrade the skills and knowledge of people, professionals who for some reason dropped out of the job market or need a transformation. For example, people who have worked in low positions in their companies after reaching the age of 50 can perform in the same company after acquiring new skills by taking  more responsible position. She pointed out how valuable the combination of experience and advanced knowledge in the field of digitalization would be for people over 50. 

The labor market is incredibly new. Yordanka Genova raised the question of what changes are needed for the training courses so that they fit the users. More than 50% of people registered as unemployed need digital competence courses. Regarding the LABEL element, several steps have been identified to define it. Selection of a supplier that is approved and recognized in the country, the certificate must be issued by a training institution, cooperation between the Labor Office, the Chamber of Commerce and the institutions is required. Ensuring sustainable funding is also an important point.

The postive and negative aspectsof the tools, summarized at the end of the event, provide a great guidline for future development of  the porject.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)