WOMEN IN BUSINESS - International Policy Event "Future of women entrepreneurship"


The Final International Policy Event "Future of women entrepreneurship" was held online on 10th of May 2021. More than 110 women entrepreneurs, policy makers, stakeholders, partners and participants had a chance to meet 20 top-speakers. They highlighted opportunities for the future and exciting panel discussions on best-practices and the future of female entrepreneurship took place. Also impressive female entrepreneurs talked about their experiences and were able to share valuable insights for their successful path.

Barbara Eibinger-Miedl (Minister Government of Styria for Economy, Tourism, Europe, Science and Research) opened the event and highlighted the importance of female entrepreneurship and Claudia Krobath (Innovation Region Styria) led through the event. Personally present were Birgit Weidel (Head of Unit responsible for the SMEs, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs - DG GROW, European Commission), Judit Schrick-Szenczi (EU Strategy for the Danube Region Coordinator EUSDR PA 8, Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg), Nirvana Kapitan Butković (Women Entrepreneurship and the EU Strategy of the Danube Region - Coordinator of PA8 of the EUSDR - Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, Croatia), Gabriele Lechner (Vice-President & Regional Chairwoman <Woman in Business> FIW Styrian Chamber of Commerce) and Sabina Cimerman (Government of Styria, Department 17 – Regional and Local Development).

In addition to inspiring keynote speeches, the exchange of inspiring good practices and exciting discussions, another key aspect was the presentation of the Transnational Political Agenda, which was developed by the project partnership. Together with all actors, another important step for a successful future of female entrepreneurship in the Danube Region was taken and especially the need for further policy actions was highlighted.

The provided  policy recommendations were underlined through the panel discussions…

  • Governmental policies to promote female entrepreneurship and leadership
  • Strategy to harmonise the business environment with the family environment
  • Policies in support of financial instruments for young women entrepreneurs
  • Network of mentors and support organizations
  • Establishment of Women Entrepreneurship Centres

...and there were statements from the female entrepreneurs such as lack of role models...someone to inspire you and motivate you to keep on going; more women in tech are needed and we need more solidarity among women and using our networks - that has a positive impact....


The recording of the event could be watched:https://fb.watch/5_T3t0WIkR/


Check also the video with inspiring statements: https://youtu.be/0hGFctcJQz8


More photos from the event are available in our Gallery section

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)