MELIA Observatory - Verry fruitfull 2. SCOM


Due to the pandemic situation, the 2SCOM meeting was organised in the online form using the Zoom platform. It was dedicated to the presentation of developments and activities so far, gathers project partners. WP were presented separately while the opportunity for potential questions, comments, and opinions, stated by the participant, is thought to be place in between. The closing section offered partners to discuss about current issues as well as future activities.

The meeting was opened by Prof. Michal Klíma, Rector of the Metropolitan University Prague who welcomed the fact that the MELIA project is concerning media literacy and is dedicated to youth. Regarding current situation with pandemic, where he mentioned some critics in media, he emphasized the importance of the plurality of opinion. After the welcoming speech, project management from the School of Advanced Social Studies (SASS) – Matevž Tomšič, Alenka Pandiloska Jurak and Erika presented the present situation of the project. M. Tomšič expresses satisfaction with how all activities are carried according to the plan. First year review of the project is highlighted as the next task to do.

Later, the Progress in Work Packages was presented and discussed – the WP T1 Mapping the Media Literacy in the Danube Region (Bogdan Radu, BBU); WP T2 MELIA Observatory Interface (Leo Mršić, VUA); c) WP T3 Media Literacy Training Network (Lukaš Reichrt, Edhance); WP T4 MELIA Observatory Pilot (REGLO, Nikolai Genov); and WP Communication (Marta Vajnagi. BBCI). In the final part of the meeting, Conclusions& Brainstorming, the project leader M. Tomšič again announcedthat in general, whole project is developing smoothly, as expected and that he only wishes for the continuation of such a trend. Afterwards the discussion has been opened for additional questions asked by project partners.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)