ISTER - “You are World Heritage”


To mark its 25th anniversary, the German Limes Road Association (ISTER AP) invited all Limes fans to take part in a photo shoot contest called “You are World Heritage” last year. The public could “capture exciting moments, unusual views on the German Limes road, the German Cycle Path and the German Limes Hiking Path and show its own perspective on the monuments and reconstructions of the Limes wall, palisade, watchtowers and much more”. According to the jury speaker, participants took and sent more photos than expected, so that prizes had to be awarded to four groups of participants from Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Rheinland-Palantinate and Hessen. Take a look at the photos of the winners:

Picture 1. The winner in Baden-Wuerttemberg: Annika Wegner “Exposed to the elements: The Sun and the ice”

Picture 2. The winner in Bavaria: Thomas Eirich “The Roman fort Biriciana in Weissenburg, northern gate”

Picture 3. The winner in Rhein-Palatinate: Conrad Lunar “Street art for a Roman bridge in Neuwied”

Picture 4. The winner in Hessen: Claudia Hellriegel “The route from Neuberg-Ravolzhausen to Staden.

The power of imagination”

Source: The German Limes Road Association


                                     Picture 1                                                                     Picture 2


                                     Picture 3                                                                       Picture 4



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)