WACOM - National workshops "Save the date"


BA: May 11, 2021

HR: May 19, 2021

SI: May 27, 2021

RS: June 2, 2021

We are very happy to send you a first announcement for the national workshops within the Interreg Danube project “WACOM - Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin. The key challenge of the WACOM project is improved transboundary coping capacity in the case of accidental pollution and floods on water courses in Sava River Basin.

The workshops will be held in May/June, 2021 from 9:00 until 13:00 - on line or “hybrid” (if the pandemic situation allows it), aiming at the presentation of the current status of the contingency management in the Sava riparian countries and the possibilities and benefits of using the Incident Command System (ICS) with particular emphasis on the elements of ICS 207 (incident organization chart), ICS 209 (incident status summary), and the IAP (Incident Action Plan).


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)