Danube Cycle Plans - 120 mio. EUR to promote cycling in Romania from EU funds


On April 7, 2021 Romania published the final version of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan which was sent to Brussels. „Now we are waiting for an answer from the European Commission, but until then - we were glad to see that in the Pillar IV ("Social and territorial cohesion") was introduced the component entitled Romania Velo - Encouraging transport and tourism by bicycle, pedestrian and other non-motorized forms,” Alina Niculescu from National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism in Romania commented on the current version. The initial value is 120 million Euros, and the proposed investments are:

  • Promoting a legislative and institutional framework on the development of cycle, pedestrian, non-motorized and equestrian cycle routes.
  • Construction of up to 3,000 km of cycle paths in Romania, completion of Eurovelo 6 and other similar routes.
  • Supporting the Via Transilvanica route and other mature projects initiated by civil society and local public administrations for pedestrian, bicycle, non-motorized and equestrian routes.

Photo: INCDT

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)