Danube Energy+ - Output T2. 1. Pilot of Energy+ ecosystem Package


The Project

Danube Energy+ project tackles the need for change in regional ecosystems to support Young Innovators (YIs) in transforming their disruptive ideas into ventures. Project’s general objective is to create an enabling environment, which will support YIs to pioneer a change in the energy efficiency area by setting up highly innovative start-ups in the Danube macro-region. At the same time, it improves the competences of key regional stakeholders, particularly relevant public administrations, through intensive learning interactions with YIs.

Project’ partners (PPs)                                                         

  • InnoEnergy GmbH, Germany
  • Cleantech Bulgaria Foundation, Bulgaria
  • ABC Accelerator, Slovenia
  • Civitta, Slovakia
  • PowerHUB/E-Klaster, Czech Republic
  • Optimizacja, Croatia
  • Startup Transilvania Center, Romania
  • SEE ICT, Serbia
  • Initiative Center, Uktaine

Associate project' partners (ASPs)

  • Sofia Tech Park JSC, Bulgaria
  • Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, Slovakia
  • Slovene Enterprise Fund, Slovenia
  • Regional Development Agency of Pardubice Region, Czech Republic
  • iTech Transylvania Cluster part of Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software – Transilvania Branch, Romania
  • Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Serbia

Danube Energy+ ecosystem Package as an innovative learning system for key regional ecosystem actors is developed by using learning interaction among project partners and inclusive design process involving:

  • regional public administrations,
  • universities,
  • SMEs,
  • business supporting actors

It is uniquely composed of two main elements – (1) best practices, models and experience in identification and motivation of individual Young Innovators in regional ecosystems and their connection to ecosystem actors, and (2) developed Danube Energy+ Tool as a pre-acceleration learning scheme for Young Innovators boosting their competences to start successful ventures.

Danube Energy+ Tool Pilot (DE+Tool) presents the cornerstone of the project as it targets both key groups for the project, i.e., Young innovators and key stakeholders in the ecosystem, and hence contributes directly or indirectly to all three project specific objectives:

  • Advance knowledge of key stakeholders in boosting Young innovators.
  • Boost Young innovators towards successful ventures.
  • Set-up sustainable structures to create enabling environment.

The DE+ Tool Pilot consisted of the following activities:

  • Identification and motivation of individual young innovators through visits (10) in regional centres/hubs and motivation workshops (2) for the YIs organized by each PP.

The DE+ Tool Pilot was planned to be organized at project partner site or at selected other place of Regional Alliance (RA) members, but in reality, took place online for the majority of the PPs as a consequence of Covid-19 EU wide lockdown. Day- to-day support was provided during the DE+ Tool Pilot, both in terms of specific content of the learning scheme and materials, as well as in terms of practical matters.

All partners used a combined methodology of lectures, mentorship and homework via Zoom or some other online tool for video communication. Some partners also offered additional support, with most using email, followed by phone, Slack and WhatsApp communication. While the online workshops were a success in the given circumstances, a combination of online and physical events would probably achieve even better results and could secure more 1-on-1 time, that was requested by the YIs.

  • Selection of young innovators through an Open Call for Young Innovators, organized in each region, selecting 10 best evaluated applicants regionally with the assistance of external evaluators.

The specific challenge of the call was to identify the dormant potential in the Danube macro-region represented by young people, who possess disruptive ideas with a prospect of significant impact. The scope of the call was to attract YIs with innovative disruptive ideas in the field of energy efficiency and other related fields. The widening of the topic was a result of difficulties (especially in smaller countries) in gathering enough applications which were related to the energy efficiency, taking into account all other requirements. Ideas, connected to circular economy, renewable energy, cleaner electricity production and similar were therefore also accepted in the programme. For the future, it would be interesting to consider broadening the thematic scope or adjusting the KPI targets to reflect the size of the pool.

Before the Open Call was announced, Methodology for the open call procedure, evaluations and selection was defined at project level. Several criteria were introduced to assess admissibility, eligibility, and quality for scoring and ranking applicants (e.g., idea summary, business potential, previous experience of person, etc.). The methodology also set out criteria for evaluators. Each PP nominated sufficiently diverse evaluation committee consisting of 3 external evaluators (who in turn were also selected in an open and transparent procedure) 1 partner representative to rank the applicants and thus ensured the fairness, openness, and equal treatment of all applicants.

From all YIs applications in each region, 10 best evaluated project ideas in the selection process have been granted participation in the regional DE+Tool Pilot. The tool selected for gathering of the project applications was F6S. While it was not an ideal choice as it has attracted non- eligible applicants (due to age / already established company / the location of YI and their proposed activities (as defined in the http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/about-dtp/participating-countries).

This was an unforeseen consequence of the F6S system: many applications came from the so-called usual suspects that use it to apply for any potential option on F6S whatsoever. Ultimately it resulted in the selection of 66 project ideas, implemented by 111 individuals.

  • DE+Tool Pilot, the training programme covering energy efficiency challenges, business development and sales and pitching areas, ran for several weeks for YIs in a duration of roughly 40 hours and finished in each country with a Demo Day.

Throughout the DE+Tool Pilot, participating YIs did not only follow the learning scheme using lectures, workshops and one on one time with mentors, but have been also preparing the homework. The DE+Tool Pilot was planned to be organized at project partner site or at selected other place of Regional Alliance members, but in reality, took place online for the majority of the PPs as a consequence of Covid-19 EU wide lockdown. Day- to-day support was provided during the DE+ Tool Pilot, both in terms of specific content of the learning scheme and materials, as well as in terms of practical matters.

All partners used a combined methodology of lectures, mentorship and homework via Zoom or some other online tool for video communication. Some partners also offered additional support, with most using email, followed by phone, Slack and WhatsApp communication. While the online workshops were a success in the given circumstances, a combination of online and physical events would probably achieve even better results and could secure more 1-on-1 time, that was requested by the YIs.

Ultimately the YI gained competences in: business / challenges in energy efficiency, competition, customer/market validation, business skills including marketing/sales, business modeling, team setting up and legal start-up issues, and assessed the knowledge gained as excellent and themselves as able to carry out the project in question and willing to start a start- up. Given that the average YI that has benefitted from the Training Scheme is male, employed, 27 years old, it may be worth focusing on females in the future.

  • Connecting YIs to key stakeholders.

It was planned that 5 connection events will be organized during the Danube Energy+ Tool Pilot and to span 2 months following the end of theDE+ Tool Pilot; each to be organized for 2 YIs participating in the Tool Pilot and 4-5 regional guests from regional ecosystem who were interested for their idea. The selected formats were to be different from region to region based on preferences, opportunities and experience from the region. After having enjoyed the programme and mentoring, the YIs have been connected with more actors that provide relevant feedback to their idea and at the same time, at least for the majority of them, this represents the learning opportunity, too. Out of 45 planned connecting events, all have taken place.

  • Monitoring, Evaluation, and Impact measurement

During the DE+ Tool Pilot, the monitoring and evaluation process focused on several key impact indicators measuring final impact on creation of enabling ecosystem.

Regional evaluation of Impact and the Danube Energy+ Tool was performed based on prepared questionnaires and Pilot’s data. While YIs ’questionnaires were filled out during last DE+Tool Pilot sessions, questionnaires from RA members were gathered during regional impact and evaluation workshop organized as 5th RA meeting after all Events connecting YIs with ecosystem actors have been finalized and the DE+Tool Pilot as well. The regional workshops enabled to present regional impact and evaluation of the tools.

Transregional monitoring of the DE+ Package and Tool Pilot was organized through regular monthly virtual meetings to share regional progresses, successes and multiply learning effect from regional experiences.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)