InnoSchool - The InnoSchool Pilot in Slovakia


In Slovakia, 8 out of 10 schools with more than 220 students completed the pilot testing of InnoSchool Learning System in time. It was not an easy journey, as due to pandemic measures, the education was moved to purely online environment shortly after the begging of the school year and both teachers and pupils needed to adapt to new conditions, missing the direct contact with teachers and peers. Nevertheless, the circumstances did not discourage the teachers from applying innovative approaches within their classes, although they needed to invest much more efforts to it. They are our real heroines and heroes of these times!

In the end it was worth it - students really loved the game! As expressed during the feedback gathering event with students, they really appreciate it is something totally different they are used to at schools, it is fresh and attractive. What they really liked was the fact, they could set their imagination free in terms of business ideas, however, being well guided by questions targeting the feasibility of their potential businesses.

Teachers add that although it is called game, the content was extensive, so pupils needed to work hard, pushing their limits forward. Also, they thought the game encouraged the acquiring of knowledge in entertaining way, not just by memorizing mechanically, and that it was overall an interesting, interactive, team-based and cooperative learning.
The pilot will wrap up with final contest event that will take place in the beginning of May, to celebrate this awesome journey!

We, the InnoSchool partners, congratulate all the students and teachers that have successfully completed the ILS testing and thank them for all their hard work and support. Here are some testimonials from the students involved in the Pilot:

"We learned something new in entertaining way." - Simona

"It was an educational game that opened our eyes, how it goes in real-life entrepreneurship" - Roland

"I find learning based on simulation, to which I can relate myself based on my decisions, as a step in right direction" - Samuel

"At school we typically learn the theory, from time to time we work on projects. Thanks to the game, we could have prepared our own plan or strategy for setting up the business. It was great experience and definitely I would like to go through it again someday." - S.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)