DAREFFORT - SAVE THE DATE! – April 29-30 DAREFFORT project closing events


The three-year project of DAREFFORT is approaching to its end. It is time to get an overview of all the results we delivered and the lessons learned during this commitment to enhance flood and ice forecasting in the Danube Basin.

On the 29th and 30th of April, three different events will take place online. Please save the date for your participation, and help the organizers by an early registration before 22nd of April.

  • 29 April 2021, Thursday AM: DAREFFORT Final Conference – public event to demonstrate and exhibit the major achievements of the DAREFFORT project
  • 29 April 2021, Thursday PM: 6th Periodic Project Meeting, with SAB and SCOM meetings – sessions exclusive for DAREFFORT project partners and associated partners only
  • 30 April 2021 Friday: 2nd Biennial Danube Forecasting Forum (DAFF) – public conference about the status and developments of flood and ice forecasting in the Danube basin.

Registered guests will receive the detailed programme and specific Webex links for participating on the chosen events. Please register before 22nd of April at our online registration form.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)