
On the 25th of March 2021, Board of Education for Vienna, European Office organized and hosted the InnoSchool interschool competition, an online event under the name “SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP DAY VIENNA – The Finals 2021”.

8 teams, with a total of 39 students, proudly represented their schools in the competition: Social Living and ROOTS from VBS Schönborngasse; Lernzentrum für Jugendliche, Peace in clothes, Evolution and BellaéVie from BHAK Wien 10; and HOTURA and ÖNBL from ibc Hetzendorf. Each team presented during the event their Social Business Idea through video or live presentation in one of these 2 categories: Social and Environment.



The InnoSchool project team and the jury were very impressed by the high quality of the business ideas and their presentation. The jury provided feedback on each presentation and finally announced the winning teams: Social Living (category Social) and ROOTS (category Environment). With the support of the Business Agency Vienna and OekoBusiness Vienna, both cooperation partners of the event, all participating teams received attractive prizes for their innovative projects.


We would like to congratulate all the students for the completion of the InnoSchool Pilot and for their interesting and wonderful ideas and presentations. Also, we extend our congratulations to their teachers who have every reason to be proud of their students.

For further information, please visit:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)