EcoVeloTour - Košice Region presents the possibilities of Ecotourism development during the online conference


On 25th of February was held an online conference thought the platform ZOOM with the topic The possibilities of ecotourism development in Košice Region in Slovakia. Project EcoVeloTour and Ecotourism development strategy in Košice Region were presented to the audience. Almost one hundred people registered for the event.

The organizers invited several speakers from renovated ecotourism destinations with the aim to motivate and explain by practical examples the possibilities for the region which lay in ecotourims. Further also new cross-border project was presented. Its name is Birdtour. It is the first output of the organization following the proposed ecotourism development strategy in Košice Region.

You can find the recording of the conference here

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)