SIMONA - 1st Training Event on Sediment Sampling held online


Due to the still ongoing Covid-situation all over the world and the resulting travel restrictions, the first SIMONA training event was held entirely online, on 25th March 2021. Since the topic of this first training event is sampling, we wished for a physical meeting with live-demonstration of sampling of different media. However, the core group for this training event prepared a demonstration film for sampling methods according to the SIMONA sampling protocol. In addition, we had a series of lectures, such as the general framework for sediment sampling, sample handling, sediment quality evaluation methods, presentation of case studies from Drava, Upper Tissa, and South Danube test area, and fruitful discussions. The Training programme is reachable on this link:

This training event addressed all SIMONA experts involved in sampling as well as interested national target groups outside of SIMONA, who are active or interested in harmonized sampling methods. We are grateful to say that we gathered 72 participants to the meeting, and had around 80 registered. Almost all partners and their associated partners were presents, together with multiple external experts that added valuable contribution.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)