Danube S3 Cluster - INSPIRE - Stock exchange of INnovative Services, Products & Ideas REady for market, Craiova, 8th of April 2021, on-line event


"INSPIRE - Stock exchange of INnovative Services, Products & Ideas REady for market" will provide the opportunity for the inventors from the Romanian South-West region, but not only, to meet the needs of SMEs related to technological transfer of patents and other innovative products, services and ideas.

In the context of the European policy regarding the connection between higher education and business environment, UCV has become part of the Enterprise Europe Network, member in Ro-Boost Consortium, offering support services for development and internationalization for innovative SMEs in the region, since 2015.

INSPIRE event, by B2B meetings, will bring together regional inventors and companies, willing to create exchanges and opportunities to develop business, scientific and technological partnerships, The B2B aims to enable new partnerships across industries and countries with the focus to capitalize on latest technologies and innovation capabilities into new products and services that enable new markets.

The matchmaking session is dedicated to entrepreneurs, start-sups and scale-ups likewise, research organizations and ecosystem operators to generate new links for open innovation projects and novel business endeavors that address the following main fields of activity:

• agro-food
• digitalization / ITC/ creative industries
• mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering
• environmental /construction engineering
• bio-economy, bio-medicine

"INSPIRE" is organized under the umbrella of Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) – European business support network present in over 60 countries, aiming to support ambitious SMEs grow and innovate internationally.

There is no participation fee. 

The event is open for registration here of the participants.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)