InnoSchool - The InnoSchool Pilot in Hungary


In Hungary testing of the 1st version of ILS started in October 2020 with 11 schools and 12 classes. This means that overall, more than 240 students participated in the piloting of InnoSchool. Testing took place in a physical form till the end of November 2020 in all schools, which means that on an average the classes completed 1 or 2 levels of the ILS in school environment. From November 2020, digital education was introduced which had a significant impact of ILS testing. Schools slowed down with the testing and at the end 3 schools and 4 classes dropped out, as they could not complete the testing in a fully digital environment. Reasons behind the drop out was most often the lack of capacity of students to complete additional digital tasks (testing of the ILS) next to their regular school activities, and in some cases low responsivity of participating students. Also, keeping teachers engaged and supporting them in implementing ILS in alternative ways (as it was optimized for classroom and homework activities) represented an additional challenge.

By the end of the Pilot, 8 schools and 8 classes successfully completed the testing in February 2020, with roughly 140 students that have found the game engaging, liked that there where many different paths they could take to complete the game and gave positive feedback on the look (graphical elements, videos, animations) of the ILS.The teachers involved in the Pilot were generally satisfied with Serious Game, found the design and graphics appealing, and the overall ILS really engaging, innovative and relevant in today’s world. Also, they felt that students could test an innovative teaching method which was not introduced yet been introduced in the participating schools.

On behalf of the InnoSchool partners we would like to send a big thank you to all the teachers and students from Hungary, involved in the project, for their hard work and support.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)