SIMONA - Sampling video shooting action in the field


From 3rd to 5th March the SIMONA “Sampling video shooting” event was organized on the behalf of our scientific coordinator dr. Gyozo Jordan, with the help of his associates dr. Zsofia Kovacs (HU-OVF) and Peter Szabo (MATE). The event was initiated by the AT-AIT partner (dr. Edith Haslinger), the leader of WP7 – Trainings work package, to prepare the video material for the 1st SIMONA Training event.

The participants were the members of the Drava Test Area group (HR-HGI-CGS, MATE and SI-GEOZS PPs), our ASP PP (HU-OVF), our external expert from the EEA (Environment Agency Austria), the members of the Balint Analitika Team and the Hungarian videographer, chosen by the responsible AIT partner for the recording services. The recording of different techniques of sediment sampling took place 2 whole days in the field. The chosen site was also one of the Drava Test Area sampling sites; the location on river Baboscai/Rinya near Babosca village. The main purpose of this 3-day action was to film and develop the “visual sampling protocol”/ “field sampling manual” to present at the project's 1st Training event on sediment sampling. The final complete video will show all the details of the sampling campaign, such as sample transfer and storage, efficient equipment arrangement in the field car, tools checklist, tools engineering details (material, assemblage, cleaning, maintenance, etc.), field sheet writing, safety, how and what not to do, sampling theory, objective of sampling for regular (surveillance) sediment quality monitoring, etc. The final video, therefore, will be in a modular form: each part such as the various sampling systems, field sheet, tools, etc. will be organised in independent small video movies.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)