KnowING IPR - MeetIPRHub


Knowing IPR – MeetIPRHub – Mentoring programme in IPR

The Mentoring programme in IPR, patenting and technology offer (MeetIPRhub), part of Knowing IPR project, was designed to enable higher education institutions (HEIs) and companies active in the automotive sector and automotive value chain to develop their IPR skills, to enhance their IPR based cooperation, to have access to IPR open data and to use IPR knowledge to advance their work and solve specific challenges (ex. inspecting the potential for commercialization).


During the first three workshops, participants were encouraged to increase their knowledge on IPR, patenting and commercialization and to explore the evaluation of potentially valuable patentable ideas.


The first workshop, held in December 2020, brought together all the participants to the MeetIPRhub programme to discuss on patent protection, commercialization, licensing and enforcement of IP Rights and to learn how to develop a Patent Report. Natalia Caisim, Head of Patent Department, AGEPI, Moldova held a presentation on Patent Protection and Commercialization: Key things to know, while dr. Gyorgy Kovacs, attorney at law, senior lecturer at Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences discussed about Licensing and Enforcement of IP rights in international environment. The event ended with a training session on Patent Report Development held by Dolores Modic, Nord University Business School, Norway.

The second workshop, held in January 2021, was dedicated to Technology transfer and patent data retrieval. Jure Vindišar, National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana Slovenia started the discussions on Technology transfer process and success cases, followed by Dalibor Fiala, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic on Which data are retrieved within the KnowING HUB web application. The Training session was held by Hrvoje Jerković, Algebra, Croatia


On Patent data retrieval using the KnowING HUB with testing the scenarios


The third workshop held in February 2021, focused on commercialization of the R&D results. Anna Tóth and Balázs Barta from Pannon Business Network started the discussions with a keynote on Utility model protection in Hungary – Experiences, advises, lessons learnt, followed by a training session held by Janez Kolar from SASS on What needs an entrepreneur when trying to sell patent: a Walkthrough CANVAS. Tamara Valic from Faculty of Information Studies, Slovenia ended the event with a presentation on Patent Report recap - where do we stand?

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)