RESTART_4Danube - 1st Policivil Workshop - Craiova, Romania


On 24.02.2021, the Municipality of Craiova and IPA CIFATT Craiova are delighted to invite you to the first Policivil Workshop in the frame of the RESTART_4Danube project.

The objective of the workshop is to debate the challenges, needs, ideas and suggestions of the stakeholders involved in the field of Cultural and Creative Industries. The results of these discussions will then be the basis for the development of a Local Action Plan (LAP) in Craiova.

The aim of this LAP is to support the cultural and creative services and strengthen entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Industries CCIs. The workshop will also serve to strengthen the local creative ecosystem.

Please take a look at the agenda of the Workshop to get informed about the program, time and venue. We’re happy to see you there!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)