WACOM - Visit of WACOM project team at the HR, Ministry of the Interior, Administration of Civil Protection


Dr. Primož Banovec, Andreja Žerjav, - University of Ljubljana, Dr. Robert Mikac- AZUR and Samo Grošelj-ISRBC visited the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, Administration of Civil Protection on February 17, 2021 in Zagreb. The main purpose of the meeting was to present the WACOM project in particular the modeling of pollution on the Sava River and the framework for establishment of the Incident Command System (ICS). The representatives of the Administration were invited to take active part in the future WACOM events (national and regional workshops) because the role of the civil protection is very important in case of emergency situations like floods and accidental pollution.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)