D-STIR - Workshop in Magurele - Romania: Creation of the TSG for Pilot Action 1 – Academic Environment


The local workshop for the creation of Transnational Stakeholder Group-TSG for the Pilot Action 1 – Academic Environmentin in Magurele, Romania took place on 9. May. The workshop with the local target actors – stakeholders was organized by Partner ERDF6 – IFIN HH

During this first stage of the D-STIR project, a number of 17 representatives of the academic and research environment were invited to join the TSG group. All of them confirmed the cooperation agreement. The agenda of the meeting comprised a brief description of the project, partners, objectives and estimated results. 

The meeting was concluded with a visit to the ELI-NP site, the European flagship project, under implementation in Romania, being both the reason and a real impetus to achieve the project’s goals


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)