SABRINA - Slovenian national campaign discourages the use of cell phones in traffic


In the SABRINA project, we believe well-designed and well-maintained bicycle routes will not only encourage more people to bike, improve their health and contribute to a greener environment, but they will also prevent injuries and save lives. Unfortunately, fatal accidents and those resulting in serious injuries happen even when there is safe infrastructure in place. There are many reasons why this is the case. In recent years, one of the biggest reasons for road accidents is the use of cell phones while driving, walking, or cycling.

National campaign led by Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency

Between 25 January 2021 and 7 February 2021, the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency and its partners are coordinating a national campaign to raise awareness about the risks of cell phones’ use in traffic: Safely without the phone (#VarnoBrezTelefona in Slovenian language). The awareness-raising campaign is taking place online, on social media, and in the field. The Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency will carry out field research about the use of cell phones in traffic, while the Slovenian Police will increase the supervision of the use of devices that hinder the drivers. All the partners included in the campaign call to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists: “A phone call, message, like, or social media post can wait. While on the road, do not look at the screen and do not surf online.”

The use of cell phones while driving or cycling

The use of cell phones in traffic is a growing global problem. It has a big impact on the cognitive abilities of people conducting the vehicle, riding a bike, or walking down the street. According to the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency, a staggering 75% of drivers use a cell phone while driving (data from 2016; new research happening now). Talking on the phone, texting, or online surfing while driving, results in up to 23 times higher risk for a traffic accident. In 2020, the Slovenian Police identified 36.771 cases where drivers used the cell phone while driving, which was 17% more than a year before and 100% more than in 2012.

According to Slovenian road traffic regulations, the use of cell phones while driving is not allowed. That means it is against the law if you are holding the phone in your hand(s), having a phone conversation, writing a text message, or surfing the world wide web. Hands-free calling is permitted but the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency points out even hands-free use of phones reduces the driver’s attention since we tend to concentrate on the content of the conversations instead of the road. The same law applies also to the cyclists in Slovenia. While riding a bike it is not allowed to use the cell phone or any other device which reduces the user’s auditory or visual perception. This means, the use of headphones and listening to music while biking is also against the law.


Keep safe on your bike

Using a hand-held phone while driving is illegal in all European Union (EU) countries; in some even hands-free devices are not allowed (European Commission). The EU countries are slowly applying the same rules to cycling. Since more and more people are taking up cycling due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is good to get familiar with the traffic regulation rules before you hop on your bike. Besides Slovenia, the use of a cell phone without a hands-free kit while riding a bike is for example illegal in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands.

In the SABRINA project, we have the goal to improve the conditions for road bicycle infrastructure safety in the Danube region by raising the capacities of all relevant national, regional, and local stakeholders to build and improve bicycle infrastructure in a safe and sustainable way. To complete the mosaic of safety, each road user must contribute its own share. Therefore, we welcome the campaign of the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency. Not just to save some money for the fines while commuting to work or exploring other countries on your next cycling holidays (when we will be able to travel again), but mostly to keep yourself and the other road users safe. “A phone call, message, like, or social media post can wait.” Moreover, whenever you feel the urge to use the phone while on your bike, it is so much safer to find a nice spot to stop, be off the road or bike path, and do that selfie. While riding your bike, keep both hands on the handlebar and enjoy the sound of nature or the city. Safety first! Always.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)