
On the 18th of December 2020, starting at 10 am, the press conference was organized on the occasion of the project "DANOVA: Innovative transport services for blind and partially sighted passengers in the Danube region". Interreg's program is intended to improve the mobility of visually impaired people in contact areas of public transport as well as at airports and seaports.

At the mentioned conference, the moderator role was taken over by the PR manager of Airports of Montenegro, Ms. Mikelić Marina. Mr. Macanović, the director of the Union of the Blind of Montenegro, media representatives, and a representative of the Port of Kotor AD were among the participants.

In addition to presenting the program and addressing the representatives of the Airport and the Port of Kotor, Mr. Macanović also had his presentation on behalf of the Union of the Blind of Montenegro. He pointed out that it is a legal obligation of all businessmen, but also members of the society, to adhere to the regulations related to the mobility of visually impaired people, and that he is very satisfied that such a program is being implemented in our country.

For more information, please visit Aerodromi Crne Gore for project partner 11, and Port of Kotor for project partner 12.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)