DANUrB+ - Workshop on methodology for researching morphology and local values


An online workshop on methodology for researching morphology and local values organized online by the DANUrB+ partner Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urban Planning of Bucharest on October 27, 2020.

The workshop is the first one as a part of the project task - MAPPING THE DANUBE (with a coordinator UBCD- FA) which have one of the major DANUrB+ outputs – the ATLAS of DANUrB towns: a complete collection on riverside morphology, cultural resources and spatial possibilities. The   workshop   aimed   to guide DANUrB+   professionals towards the specific investigation on methodology for researching morphology of Danube cities. The result should be an operative and adapted Methodological Framework of collectiing, selecting, mapping, assessing and illustrating the morphological specific data related to Danube shrinking Cities & Towns. This will help to compare the results of projects developed within the 3 DANURB+ regions.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)