MEASURES - The 3rd stakeholder meeting held in Bulgaria


25 participants, from more than 10 stakeholder organizations from Bulgaria, took part in the 3rd MEASURES Stakeholder Meeting held online, on the 3rd of December.

The aim of the workshop was to discuss and review the first draft of the “Strategy for ecological corridor conservation in the Danube catchment” that propose a common set of measures for conservation and restauration of the migratory fish species populations in the Danube basin.

The comments and suggestions received during the meeting will be included in the final version of the strategy that will be ready in spring 2021.

The participants represented scientific and decision making institutions, as well as a natural park.

Decision-making institutions:

  • Executive Agency of Fisheries (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry);
  • Directorate "General Policy in the Field of Hydromelioration and Fisheries" (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry);
  • Directorate "National Service for Nature Protection” (Ministry of Environment and Waters);
  • Executive Environment Agency (Ministry of Environment and Waters);
  • Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Waters (Ministry of Environment and Waters); Danube River Research and Maintenance Executive Agency (Ministry of Transport).

Scientific institutions:

  • Biological faculty of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski;
  • Institute of biodiversity and ecosystem research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Institute of Oceanology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
  • Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Plovdiv (Agricultural Academy);
  • Institute of Fish Resources with Aquarium, Varna (Agricultural Academy).

Other institutions:

  • Directorate of Nature Park “Persina”.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)