INDEED - Virtual summer school for piloting the online learning platform


The English version of the INDEED online platform was successfully piloted in a virtual summer school of TUM-MED (Lead Partner of INDEED) and University of Skopje, North Macedonia.

The summer school continued the success story of the “Dementia Masterclasses” (2017-2019) and aimed at upskilling students and early-career students in interdisciplinary dementia care.

Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the summer school was hosted in a virtual format from October 5 to October 9, 2020. Overall, 52 participants from seven South-Eastern European countries joined the programme, coming from various disciplines such as medicine, nursing and psychology.

The five-day summer school included keynote lectures from experts, Q&A sessions, group work exercises, occupational portraits, role plays and homework.

Key topics were neurobiology and dementia, diagnostic procedures in dementia, prevention, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments as well as dementia-related facilities and services. An evaluation after the event showed that participants perceived the summer school as a useful complement to their training.

A preparatory exercise included a scavenger hunt across the INDEED online platform. Although the online platform was initially targeted towards professionals and their vocational training, students expressed that they liked the platform to a large degree:

  • 88% stated that the design of the platform motivated them to engage with the content.
  • 92% reported that they gained a better understanding for the importance of collaborative care in dementia through the platform.
  • Overall, 84% of students assigned the grade “A” (very good) the platform.

In conclusion, the summer school proved that the INDEED platform can be a useful tool for educating students and early-career dementia professionals.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)