
In the SABRINA project, we focus on road infrastructure safety for cyclists as one of the most vulnerable road users. The project tackles cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned, and missing cycling corridors of EuroVelo routes crossing nine countries in the Danube region. Our goal is to improve conditions for road bicycle infrastructure safety in the region by raising the capacities of all relevant national, regional, and local stakeholders to build and improve bicycle infrastructure in a safe and sustainable way. 

To make this happen and since we believe in the words of John Maxwell who once wrote that “Teamwork makes the dream work”, a strong consortium of project partners has been created. The SABRINA project team includes 11 project partners from 9 Danube area countries. The partnership represents a blend of different organizations:

  • Non-governmental organizations whose activities are aimed at road safety, cycling or green transport (European Institute for Road Assessment – EuroRAP, Austrian Road Safety Board, Westpannon Team, Partnership for Urban Mobility, Green Revolution Association, Automobile Club of Moldova, Club “Sustainable Development of Civil Society”, Ekopolis Foundation).
  • Local authorities as decision-makers ready to practically implement the solutions of the SABRINA project and improve cycling infrastructure safety (Municipality Ilirska Bistrica),
  • Research institutions (the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences), Small/medium enterprises (Agile Transport Analysis), and Sectoral agencies (Westpannon Team) with experience in transnational projects in the field of road safety and sustainable urban mobility with provisions including cycling.

The partnership also involves four relevant ministries as Associated strategic partners (Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure from Croatia; Ministry of Regional Development and Ministry of Transport from the Czech Republic, and Ministry of Infrastructure from Slovenia). In this way, the SABRINA project models a partnership to improve bicycle safety where a multi-disciplinary approach is key. This model partnership enables the exchange of informed knowledge and provides a model for improved coordination toward the fully-fledged improvement of safety conditions on bicycle routes in the Danube area.

Moreover, the consortium offers a blend of scientific and technical approach, experience in advocacy, and the ability to connect with users of cycling infrastructure as well as decision-makers through existing channels of communication at every level, from personal contacts to media-led campaigns. All project partners have the national and transnational status required to effect change in improving conditions for road cycling infrastructure safety. The wide range of geographical coverage and activities focus on transnational EuroVelo cycling routes that pass-through Danube region countries which will benefit from project results and outputs. The benefit for project partners’ territories will be seen through cycling infrastructure safety awareness-raising on all levels, local and transnational, as well as unifying standards in this field. 


Find out more about the SABRINA project partners by visiting their webpages:



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)