WACOM - Meetings of the PEG RBM and PEG APC


On the 27th of November 2020 the 43rd meeting of the Permanent Expert Group for River Basin Management (PEG RBM) and on the 1st of December 2020 the 25th meeting of the Permanent Expert Group for Accident Prevention and Control (PEG APC). These were the regular meetings of the expert groups established by the International Sava River Basin Commission which are held at least twice a year. The members are the representatives of the Parties to the Framework agreement on the Sava River Basin i.e. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. At the meeting the Lead partner, dr. Primož Banovec (UL) presented the WACOM project and the implementation of the WP2 (Development of the common WACOM Toolbox), while dr. Robert Mikac (AZUR) presented the ongoing activities on WP1 (Explore and define joint preparedness and response).

The PEGs are included in the development of the WACOM project as a second level of quality management procedure with the mandate to revise the project’s outputs and give comments/opinions regarding their quality along with recommendations on improvements if needed.

More information on the work of the PEGs is available at the web site of the ISRBC.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)