WACOM - EUSDR PA4 and PA5 SG meetings


The WACOM project was presented at the Steering Group meetings of the Priority Area 4 (Water Quality) and PA5 (Environmental risk) of the Danube Region Strategy (EUSDR) which were held in November 2020 on line. The members of the SG are the representatives of Danube riparian countries. The aim of those meetings were to provide information on recent activities of EUSDR, to provide information on relevant activities in Danube River Basin , to overview of cooperation with different partners and organizations and to provide information about projects in relation to the PA4 and PA5 Action Plan.

The participants took note on the activities of the International Sava River Basin Commission, including the development of the WACOM project. They got acquainted with the project main and specific objectives, main outputs and results, the partnership, and the timeframe. They were invited to follow the project activities through the project web page and through social networks (i.e. Facebook and Twitter).

More information on the meetings is available at the web sites of EUSDR PA4 and PA5.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)