RADAR - Bulgarian project partner tackles pilot action on Safer Roads Investment Plans


In the context of a global pandemic with all its challenges, RADAR project's partner Bulgarian Association for Road Safety (BBARS) managed to procure three services to accomplish its concept of the Pilot Action on Thematic Area 1 – Safer Roads Investment Plans. The highlight was the Service 2 - Road survey according to the approved methodology of EuroRAP and preparation of SRIP based on it.

The objective of the pilot is to assess the safety of about 230 km of roads in Bulgaria and build capacity for sustainable road safety in the field of road safety inspection and maintenance and network safety management. 

There are three road sections that were inspected. They were chosen upon the detailed analysis performed in Service 1, mainly because of the high number of accidents and black spots registered on them over the years, as well as the intense traffic flow.

  • Road I-5 Russe – Byala from km 6+700 to km 56+200, total length = 49,5 km
  • Road II-55 “Pass of the Republik” from km 0+000 to km 57+800, total length = 57,8 km
  • Road II-21 Russe – Silistra, total length = 124 km

​​Total Length of Road Sections, object to the survey = 231, 3 km

The selected road sections were assessed according to the Rap methodology, a Star rating was made and an investment plan (SRIP) with specific countermeasures was prepared. All these activities were performed by AMSS - Centar za motorna vozila d.o.o. - Serbia. The results showed, that all these sections rated mostly one star, which is no surprise taking into account that they were chosen because of the high number of accidents.

After processing the data and preparing the investment plan for all surveyed sections, a total of 25,628 countermeasures have been prescribed to improve road safety. It is expected that after implementing these measures the star ratings will be significantly better, which is three stars and more.

As a final result and example of an implementation ready design plan one section of Road I-5 with the prescribed measures and the needed drawings was prepared.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)