GRENDEL - GRENDEL Danube IWT Fleet Modernisation Strategy & Recommendations available


GRENDEL represents a vital step forward in the more than challenging modernisation process of the Danube fleet. The achievements of the project went far beyond identifying the most challenges IWT is facing in terms of low technological intake, new legislative developments or reduced investment capacities of vessel operators. GRENDEL, as comprehensively described in its newly available Danube IWT fleet modernisation strategy & recommendations, proposed concrete actions, measures and recommendations to overcome the most problematic issues faced by IWT in the Danube Region and well beyond: (1) environmental quality through low emissions and (2) efficient integration of IWT into multimodal logistics chains.

The Danube IWT fleet modernisation strategy and recommendations represent a key achievement of the transnational cooperation established by the project and were validated by the GRENDEL Consortium via a Strategy validation workshop held online on 28 October 2020.

Based on the results of the GRENDEL project, this strategy concludes with a set of recommendations reflecting the need for standardisation and harmonisation on corridor level to overcome the most urgent challenges IWT is currently facing from a twofold perspective: the existing legislation having a direct impact on IWT as well as its efficient and enduring integration into multimodal transport and logistics chains. Another important topic discussed in the framework of the strategy refers to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on IWT. In order to reduce uncertainty and secure a smooth transport flow, the strategy proposes concrete actions and measures to reduce the harmful impact of the crisis on businesses operating on the Danube.

With the Danube being regarded as the economic backbone of a transnational region par excellence characterised by different levels of socioeconomic development, the recommendations proposed aim at the overall improvement of regional development facilitating the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). EUSDR PA1a will take up this work in the framework of the EUSDR working group activities.

The uptake of the GRENDEL results has already started in several countries by means of preparatory discussions on potential state aids based on the GRENDEL model.

The Danube IWT fleet modernisation strategy and recommendations are also available via the Library section of the website. The core recommendations of the strategy are as well taken over in the brochure on the results of the project which gives an overview of the key achievements of GRENDEL over its lifetime. The brochure is available for download here and via the Project dissemination section.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)