RADAR - Slovenian autoclub’s pilot actions on VRUs interlinks with improving road safety near schools


RADAR project’s partner Slovenian Automobile and Motorcycle club (AMZS) led national consultation concerning the overview of proposed measures to increase the safety of vulnerable road users in one of the locations of partner’s pilot actions on September 16, 2020.

The RADAR team from AMZS has- in close cooperation with the local consultant UL-FGG-PTI- inspected locations by proposing solutions to improve road safety for vulnerable road users. AMZS presented proposed provisions for vulnerable road users at three different locations in Slovenia.

Although all the locations are focused on provisions for vulnerable road users, one of the locations (town Gabrovka in Slovenia) is also seeing quite a lot of school children traffic amongst the vulnerable road users, as well. As the representative of the local community in Gabrovka explained: “In Gabrovka, we have been dealing with a comprehensive problematic infrastructure in the vicinity of the school for a really long time.” In this respect, AMZS held a presentation of the situation and conceptual design solution for the local community and local school along with other national stakeholders.

Not only does the pilot action location in Gabrovka faces key challenges such as no pedestrian crossing, no sidewalk, poor visibility upon entering and exiting the parking lot in the vicinity of the elementary school, but the location is also used by the transit traffic. 

The measures (long and short-term) were presented at the national consultations and are now in the phase of implementation.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)