Transdanube Travel Stories - The Danube told in a new way


Kick-off workshop for EU project "Transdanube Travel Stories“

10 partners from seven countries are jointly engaged in the new EU project "Transdanube Travel Stories" for sustainable tourism in the Danube region and want to promote the the Danube with new stories and experiences by implementing new, innovative strategies.

(Photo: © Tourismusverband Linz) 

In the context of the project "Transdanube Travel Stories" a workshop on the topic “Danube Narratives” was organized on the 12./13. October 2020 in Linz. The aim of the workshop was, to gather ideas for new stories for the Danube and the cultural routes along the Danube and finally to develop new narratives for the Danube. Experts from different fields (tourism, history, culture, literature, experience experts) were invited and presented their ideas for Danube stories and a broad Danube narrative in the workshop. In total around 20 experts from the Danube network from Germany to Serbia were participating at the workshop, which was a great success. During the workshop, synergies between the routes along the Danube and stories have been identified and ideas for an entire Danube narrative have been developed. Due to COVID-19, the events took place in digital form, which allowed another 15 experts to join the workshop online.

At the workshop, tourism director Georg Steiner presented the concept of telling the story of the Danube in a larger context, but also in an interdisciplinary way with strong essayistic approaches, thus creating the basis for new cultural travel programs. Keynotes from Danube experts dedicated their presentation to the relevance of „Telling the Danube in contexts“.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)