ConnectGREEN - National workshop with Romanian spatial planners and environmentalists


October 26, 2020. Romania. A virtual workshop was organized by INCD URBAN-INCERC together with WWF Romania on the topic of harmonizing spatial development interests with ecological ones by implementing ecological corridors in urban planning and spatial planning documents in Romania.

The purpose of the virtual workshop was to bring together specialists in ecology and spatial planning to ensure the harmonization of their interests and discuss the possibility of including ecological networks in spatial planning documents, given the existing legislation in Romania and the methodology for identifying ecological corridors proposed by ConnectGREEN project. The presentations held by representatives of INCD URBAN-INCERC and WWF Romania were followed by debates.

The participants concluded that the project methodology is a starting point for the project approach, and can be applied in both cross-border and national contexts, with the help of case studies. Taking into account the maturity of the approached concept, it will not be difficult to firstly implement it at a broader spatial level, in the field of spatial planning. The next stage would be to integrate it in the documentation at the local level. It is expected to make the transition to operational level as soon as possible, the Ministry of Environment being the one that will declare and designate the ecological corridors, which can be later taken over in the urban planning and landscaping documentation.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)