On the 26th October, the SIMONA SCOM meeting for Period 5 was held online. Beside the SIMONA management team and WP leaders, the participants of the meeting were also the members of Sampling and Laboratory WG. After the project manager presented the current status of the project at the end of period 5, she also pointed our the need for project prolongation. In the last month of period 5, the test area WG managed to complete the test areas sampling in spite of the still ongoing travelling restrictions. Nevertheless, not enough time was left to achieve the rest of the activities from Period 5, so they had to be postponed to Period 6. At the meeting, we discussed our plans for the execution of training events and most of the participants agreed it will have to be in online forms. The topic of DRB Baseline network National sites sampling and laboratory analysis was brought up for discussion and the PPs were informed about the current status of Inventory of National laboratories and equipment per partner countries. Lastly, we discussed the budget status and the new SIMONA timeline for period 6, proposed by the project management team. The project partners were advised to start working on the reporting and make only minor changes in their project activities or budget until January/February when we will apply for the procedure of project prolongation.