Danube S3 Cluster - Innovation Management & Internationalization and Scale up handbooks, elaborated within Danube S3 Cluster project


In the framework of Danube S3 Cluster, a joint training program is prepared and delivered focused on business and innovation management issues in order to tackle the territorial challenge of lack of innovation knowledge and internationalization of SMEs. The trainings are addressed to cluster managers and members that have the potential to go international and scale-up in order to further improve cluster cooperation in the Danube area and SME’s competitiveness. 

To ensure an effective transfer of know-how and expertise and promote the innovation culture in each partner country, also in times that make it impossible to organise on-site trainings, 2 handbooks have been created to accompany online training sessions: The first handbook deals with effective innovation management for Agro-food clusters, the second one with business internationalization and scale up in this field. Both handbooks contain theoretical background information as well as hands-on tools for readers to use in their own organisations and best-practise examples from the Danube region. The handbooks are now available as free e-Books under the following links:

Innovation Management:  http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/media/download/40637

Internationalization and Scale up:  http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/media/download/40636



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)