Danube S3 Cluster - SAVE THE DATE! 28th October 2020, 3rd Policy Dialog Workshop of Danube S3 Cluster


The 3rd Policy Dialog Workshop, which will be held online, is organized by Development Association NERDA, the project partner from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The event will focus on the role of Clusters in accelerating the European Recovery, the need to harmonize food production and healthy living habits during and after the COVID 19 pandemic and potential role of clusters in that process. Also, during the event it will be presented best practices on clusters identified during the implementation of other EU funded projects, such as ClusterFY, together with the Action Plans of PA 7 and 9 of the EUSDR.

If you are interested in participating at this event, you can register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17LVIcjBQUypmJI2v2xO2FpyPA7S9Y7tgEyClVPE0aNY/edit

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)