Danube Energy+ - Romanian Success stories


Startup Transylvania Center continues to keep in touch and support the development of young innovators who have participated in the DE + program

Romanian partner runs monthly meetings with the teams and uses this opportunity to see what they are working on and where they need help also identifying opportunities, they might find useful.

We are happy to present to you the success stories of some of the teams:

- The team Billit has been connected with a technology company that develops systems for big retail to identify the best technical solution to receive data from cashiers and digitize the receipt so that paper is eliminated. They also applied for the participatory budgeting project from the Cluj-Napoca City Hall, Com’On Cluj. Their initiative is BWay (learning section), aimed at bringing together high school students with university students (BA/MA) via live events so that young people can better identify what universities to apply for.

Find out more about BWay initiative: https://comoncluj.ro/initiative/43

- TapoHub, got an interview with Ziarul Financiar, during their series ZF IT Generation. Ziarul Financiar is one of the biggest and most respected business publications in the country. The interview can be found here: https://www.zf.ro/zf-it-generation/zf-it-generation-adrian-pop-fondator-tapohub-din-cluj-lucreaza-la-un-19296199?fbclid=IwAR3pUD0dHbM41YgPnQejPdWAvfw5nBEypb5TiNHX3_tzyPmyv_U9SVpBNow

Also TapoHub, now developing the second version of their prototype of a small-scale wind turbine for commercial use.

- Luchiian Alexandru, who created the project Fermierul 4.0 (hydroponics system for growing fish and vegetables indoor), also applied for Com’On Cluj with 2 ideas:

IoT4Nature section – Installment of bin sensors: planning to install sensors in the recyclables bins so that they get picked up faster, before bins overflow


IoT4Nature section – StropDeAer: air monitoring sensors that will be installed in key locations in the city so that the air quality can be easily tracked via a platform they already built (




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)