D2C - Excursions to the European Green Belt in Šumava (CZ)
Ametyst NGO and National Park Šumava organised two excursions to the former Iron Curtain to show the general public how the modern history is imprinted in the landscape of Šumava.
During approximately a 10 km long walk visitors learn about the history of settlement of Šumava, historical land use and consequences of events after 1945. The visitation of former military shooting range is included. Due to activities of the army, a perfect environment for growth of common clubmoss (Lycopodium clavatum), marsh clubmoss (Lycopodiella inundata) or northern firmoss (Huperzia selago) was created here. Another stop during the excursion is a former signal wall - still visible in the landscape as a gap in a forest. This is the place to learn how frightening the Iron Curtain was and how it has affected the lives of people and nature around.
The next excursion will take place in Kvilda on 26th September and you are welcome to join! Follow www.facebook.com/spolekametyst and www.facebook.com/projectD2C.