Danube S3 Cluster - Two new calls for agricultural product information and promotion programs have been published, Enjoy it's from Europe


The European Commission has published two new calls (https://ec.europa.eu/chafea/agri/en/news/2020-additional-calls-proposals-published) to submit proposals for agricultural promotion programs worldwide and within the European Union in accordance with Regulation (EU) no. Regulation (EC) No 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on information and promotion measures relating to agricultural products implemented on the internal market and in third countries (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF /? uri = CELEX: 32014R1144 & from = HR) with submission deadline 27 August 2020.

 Proposals will begin to be received on July 7, 2020.

 In order to support the agri-food sector as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, the Commission has issued two calls for proposals for promotion programs. The calls complement the exceptional support measures recently adopted by the European Commission and target the sectors most affected by the crisis (eligible sectors to support the promotion are: fruit and vegetables, wine, live plants, milk and dairy products and potatoes). Promotional programs will be implemented in the European Union or any third country for a period of one year.

 The approved amount is EUR 10 million (EUR 5 million for MULTI programs and EUR 5 million for SIMPLE programs).

 Eligible applicants (proposing organizations) must be: trade or inter-trade organizations that are representative of a particular sector or sectors in Croatia, in particular:

  • sectoral organizations and groups or any association, whatever their legal form, composed mainly of producers or processors of the same product, provided that they are representative of the name protected by the quality systems for agricultural and food products covered by that program
  • trade or inter-trade organizations which are representative at European Union level of a particular sector or sectors - recognized producer organizations or associations of producer organizations
  • bodies of the agri-food sector whose goal and activity are aimed at providing information on agricultural products and their promotion and who are entrusted with the task of providing public services in this area.
  • EU grants aimed at restoring normal market conditions amount to up to 85% of eligible costs.

 This is the first time that the Commission has issued such calls, in case of serious market disturbances and when promotional actions are seen as an appropriate response to the situation. The COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on specific agri-food sectors, mainly due to rapid changes in demand and the closure of restaurants, bars and cafes across the European Union. Calls will be open until August 27, 2020.

 One call is dedicated to SIMPLE programs to which one or more organizations from the same European Union country can apply. The second is the MULTI program, which can be submitted by at least two national organizations from at least two Member States or one or more European organizations.

Read more at: https://poljoprivreda.gov.hr/vijesti/objavljena-dva-nova-poziva-za-programe-informiranja-i-promocije-poljoprivrednih-proizvoda-enjoy-it-s-from-europe/4073

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)