DanubeChance2.0 - Impressions - connected to the blended learning program for entrepreneurs in crisis and business restarters


We offer a complete set of educational materials, which can be delivered in the form of workshops or online video conferences or can be done all by yourself answering questions of entrepreneurs in crisis:

  • How can I better manage my company's finance and resources?
  • How do I re-negotiate the existing business terms, which are no longer beneficial for me?
  • What are the modern communication channels, which help me reach my client on the web and social media?
  • How do I re-organize my team and keep everyone busy and motivated?
  • Do I need a legal adviser? 

A  complete set of educational materials can be founded under the "ACT NOW!" session.

If you are not sure which module is good for you, or if you just need a little push to participate.

Watch the impressions of the participants, and get some insight into the effectiveness of these modules, from the trainers. 

(Click to the picture for the videos!)


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)