Finance4SocialChange - Communicating impact effectively: storytelling, public speaking and balanced messaging


And we're up for the last week of #AirMOOC on Communication!  In the opening video our expert Gorgi Krlev talks about 3 aspects of communicating your impact effectively: storytelling, public speaking and balanced messaging! .

We have wonderful speaking, storytelling, pitching, and media coaches (note: all women!): Bettina Fürlinger, Florentina Perschy, Alexandra Nitzlader, Antonella Broglia and Anna Patton Pioneers Post. Brought together by Alexander Kesselring of Ashoka Visionary Program.
The fabulous webinar with Antonella and Anna is now available on Youtube:
Check out our entire #AirMOOC Channel:
AND join our #AirMOOC & #AirCompetition (Finance4SocialChange Project). We had 244 applications for the competition, if you’re an impact investor interested in serving on the assessment panel, let us know!

#Communication #Storytelling #Publicspeaking #Pitching #SocialInnovation #SocEnt #ImpactInvesting #SocialFinance #SocialImpact #Impact #MOOC


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)