KnowING IPR - 13th International Technology Transfer Conference


The KnowING IPR project is participating at the 13th International Technology Transfer Conference, which will be held from the 8th to 9th of October 2020 at the Jožef Stefan Institute (Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Grand lecture room, main (A) building, 1st floor, tbc.

Within the section where contributions on the topic of technology transfer and intellectual property cooperation will be presented, the Knowing IPR project and Technology Transfer Office at FIS will cooperate at the section’s round table.


The section Papers on technology transfer and intellectual property has an open call for scientific papers:

– Key inventions and their protection for the greater good

– Key trends in IP protection and TT

– Status and changes in national IP protection and TT situations during the last decade

– The main issues to be addressed in the SEE region to activate the IP protection and TT players

– The main differences between the SEE region and the rest of EU or the US/JP/AU

– National IP protection and TT networks: a profit or a hindrance

– Governmental support to IP protection and TT:  ups and downs

– Governmental support vs institutional support of IP protection and TT

– IP and internal secret know-how: who prefers what and why

– Other, chosen by the contributor


Important dates

10 August 2020: Preliminary Registration Form (includes an Abstract)

17 August 2020: Submission deadline

04 September 2020: Acceptance notification

21 September 2020: Deadline for revised papers


For more information, please visit HERE.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)