Finance4SocialChange - Over 240 social enterprises applied for the F4SC Competition!


We are proud to announce that over 240 social enterprises and organizations applied for the International Finance4SocialChange Competition to be held in Budapest in 2021!

In the next following months, applications and business ideas will be assessed by expert teams, organizations, and companies that pass the second round of selection will have full mentoring support and expert assistance in developing and presenting their business plans with social impact! The Finals bring valuable prizes- Four best social entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to win an award of 10.000 euros!  

The past few weeks have been intense! More than 390 social entrepreneurs and organizations participated in our free online Finance4SocialChange Design Learning Academy #AIRMOOC while youtube videos had over 2600 views! Best experts in the field guided us through social impact strategies, design thinking, communication tools, financial strategies!!  

All the materials, online tutorials, contacts are still available at  for you to acquire useful impact skills and excelling as one of the best social ventures!





Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)