DanubeChance2.0 - 2nd Local Policy Focus Group meeting hosted by IFKA


IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Kft. has hosted a 2nd Local Policy Focus Group meeting in Budapest on June 10.

Aim of the meeting:

  • to present the first draft of the Strategy elaborated by project consortium to the Hungarian stakeholders
  • discuss the current issues related to the launching of the Early Warning Program in Hungary.

Representatives of 3 business support organizations and 2 banks were present at the meeting. Together with 6 experts in the field of entrepreneurial development from IFKA they have discussed the fields of intervention presented in the regional Strategy and also crisis fields/situations which can be targeted by the Hungarian Early Warning program.

Value proposition of the mentoring part Early Warning program was formulated and will be delivered to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary as a part of supporting analytical documents for taking the final decisions on the Early Warning Hungary launching.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)