RADAR - Road Safety: Europe’s roads are getting safer, but progress remains too slow


Compared to previous years, fewer people lost their lives on EU roads in 2019, according to preliminary figures published today by the European Commission. An estimated 22. 800 people died in a road crash last year, almost 7 000 fewer fatalities than in 2010 – a decrease of 23%. Compared with 2018, the number fell by 2 %. Although there is some progress, it is too slow, and the EU couldn’t meet the target of halving the number of road deaths by 2020.

For 2018, 70% of total fatalities in urban areas happen with vulnerable road users, with 12% of them being cyclists. “Looking at urban areas only, the number of cyclists killed actually increased by 1% between 2010 and 2018.” In the context of coronavirus resulting in an ever-growing number of people using bicycles, rapid work is needed, concluded EuroRAP.

Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean said: "No deaths and serious injuries on European roads by 2050. This is our goal. We aim at 50% fewer deaths, and 50% fewer serious injuries by 2030, and we know our target is achievable. The EU has seen a substantial decrease in road fatalities in the past, but stagnating figures in recent years. In addition, disparities among countries remain huge. We will reach our goal only through a combination of legislative measures, adequate funding, standards for vehicles and infrastructure, digitalization, and best practices exchange."

The underlying trend remains downward. Eight Member States registered their lowest fatality numbers on record in 2019: Croatia, Finland France, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, and Sweden. However, progress has slowed in most countries. As a result, the EU target of halving the number of road deaths between 2010 and the end of 2020 will not be met. Although it is likely there will be significantly fewer road fatalities in 2020 following the measures taken to tackle coronavirus, this will not be enough to meet the target.

To see more insights and explanations of the figures by the European Commission, click HERE.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)