RADAR - World Bicycle Day 2020 marking the unprecedented surge in bicycling amidst the pandemic


World Bicycle Day is celebrated every year on June 3. Established as a global annual event in 2018, this year’s World Bicycle Day comes during the COVID-19 pandemic and an unprecedented surge in bicycling. 

The 3rd global bicycle day takes on new meaning this year as people across the globe look to bicycling as socially distant transportation and recreation option. The emerging role of bicycles serves as a critical reminder of the need to improve infrastructure, making it safer, forgiving, sustainable, and comfortable.

Cycling infrastructure in the Danube region is largely in an early stage of development, especially outside of the major urban areas. Shocking facts are coming even from developed countries wherein 2017 more people were killed and seriously injured on bicycles than in cars.

RADAR promotes active mobility for all, making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, by improving road safety infrastructure especially for vulnerable road users (VRUs) and consequently increasing the trips done on foot and by bicycle where before was not possible.

To tackle cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned, and missing cycling corridors crossing the Danube region by increasing awareness about cycling infrastructure safety, facilitating transfer of best practices and transnational cooperation through learning activities, RADAR project is proud to announce a synergy initiate with the new DTP project – SABRINA.

SABRINA covers routes crossing 12 countries in the Danube Region and involves 12 PP from 10 countries. Besides comprehensive Risk Mapping on cycle routes, SABRINA will integrate two existing assessment methodologies (EuroVelo ECS and EuroRAP) and deliver integrated bicycle infrastructure risk assessment methodology for future use.

Meeting the needs of people who walk, and cycling continues to be a critical part of the mobility solution for helping cities de-couple population growth from increased emissions and to improve air quality and road safety.

Stay tuned for more information on SABRINA.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)