Sava TIES - The Sava River Day


The Sava River Day is celebrated on June 1 in four countries in the basin of one of the most interesting and complex European rivers, the Sava River: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Celebration of this day has the aim of promoting exceptional ecological value and economic potentials in the Sava River Basin, sustainable use and the importance of good regional cooperation, contributing to a better state of water and aquatic ecosystem, and thus to a higher quality of life in the Sava River Basin.

The Sava River is formed by the confluence of two Slovenian rivers - the Sava Bohinjka and the Sava Dolinka. In its source the Sava River is only a few meters wide, but at the mouth with the Danube in Belgrade, its width is almost 300 meters. Along its 926-kilometre course, the Sava contains a whole range of different river habitats and receives water from almost 250 tributaries! At its source it is a real karst river, fast, wild and clear, and towards the mouth it is slower and more turbid. The Sava River passes through four countries - Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, connecting three capitals, Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade. However, it does not connect them by traffic as it is not navigable throughout its entire course.

The Sava River is extremely valuable for all countries through which it flows, and compared to the rivers of Western Europe, it is very well preserved. It brings us water that means life not only for man but also for many other living beings. The water wells of large cities along the Sava River depend on the quantity and quality of its water. Thanks to good preservation, we can find many rare and endangered species and habitats in and along the Sava River. The Sava River is characterized by exceptional biological and landscape diversity. Its basin contains large areas of river wetlands and a lowland forest complex. It is a unique example of a river with floodplains that remain intact and mitigate floods and support biodiversity. It has many important areas for bird and plant life, areas protected at the state level and areas on the Natura 2000 list.

The SavaParks Network is currently implementing two projects related to the Sava River: "SavaParks II - Freedom for Sava" and "Preserving Sava River Basin Habitats through Transnational Management of Invasive Alien Species - Sava TIES" with the aim of protection, conservation and better management of the Sava River.


News in national languages:

Croatia - Zeleni prsten Public Institution of Zagreb County or Lonjsko Polje Nature Park Public Institution 

Slovenia - Public Institution Ljubljansko barje Nature Park 

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Center for Environment or Public Company National Park "Una"

Serbia - Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province or Nature Conservation Movement Sremska Mitrovica or Public Enterprise „Vojvodinašume“

Germany - EuroNatur

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)