INDEED - April 29th│Europe │European Day of Solidarity between Generations


April 29th is the European Day of Solidarity between Generations.

The INDEED Project supports inclusion, intergenerational solidarity and  fight Ageism or discrimination of age-related diseases.

The objective of this annual celebration is to make the European Union more age-friendly and better adapted to our ageing population, as well as have intergenerational solidarity high on the EU agenda.

People of all ages need to build together a post-pandemic world designed for everyone and for the planet

"We must draw the lessons from the COVID-19 crisis lockdown and design together new ways to produce and consume the goods and services that people around the globe need for a healthy and decent life, now and in the future. Going more local and climate-friendly as citizens and consumers, should go hand in hand with stronger support and solidarity to all regions in the world which need to develop more stable economies and more resilient healthcare systems to cope with future pandemics.” 

Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe (AGE)

"We must not return to business as usual after the Coronavirus crisis. To create a sustainable, healthy future for all we need to put people, from all ages, and the planet over profit. Solidarity and inclusion must be at the heart of the post-pandemic world.” 

Carina Autengruber, President of the European Youth Forum (YFJ)

Intergenerational solidarity & cooperation: key to fight ageism & support a society for all ages

COVID-19: with great challenge must come great solidarity

"As clarified by the World Health Organisation, COVID-19 is not an older persons’ disease. We are all vulnerable and interdependent during the pandemic. However, older persons are more likely to get severely ill if they are infected with COVID-19, which is why they are considered a high-risk group."

Solidarity as the best response

“This is a time when we need to help each other within our families, neighbourhoods and communities. We need to rebuild solidarity and social fabric that are so important when a crisis of such magnitude strikes. To fight the virus, greater solidarity and respect for each other are needed from all of us!”.

Anne-Sophie Parent, AGE Secretary General

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)