Finance4SocialChange - Feelsgood Social Impact Investment Fund presented in Slovenia


During a meeting of Local Policy Focus Group Workshop held in Slovenia, organized by Regional development agency Gorenjska - BSC Kranj it was concluded that permanent dialogue with social economy stakeholders should be kept, while the exchange of information between regional stakeholders working as social enterprises or with social enterprises as support institutions is crucial and very important for further development of the sector.  Additionally, the social economy should be included in development programs on the regional and national levels.

The meeting which was held online with the presence of 12 participants from 10 organizations was held online and addressed the current situation with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), problems which social enterprises are facing in the current situation and the role and actions social entrepreneurship can have and make in this situation and also after it.

The action plans were discussed in SII Strategy and Regional Action Plan as well as trends, visions, and actions taken in the field of social entrepreneurship and projects running currently in this sector in Slovenia. There was a particular interest in exchanging experiences and in identifying needs to encourage the development and scaling up of social enterprises.

Regarding the implementation of Regional Action Plan further activities for the promotion of venture capital fund Feelsgood Social Impact Investment Fund which targets early- to growth-stage Croatian and Slovenian start-ups with an environmental and social impact were implemented. FeelsGood Social Impact Investment Fund was presented in coworking center Kovačnica in the Gorenjska region in February 2020 where the discussion about further cooperation, promotion of the Fund, and reaching the target group was raised.

Activities of the Finance4SocialChange project were discussed also with the representative of Division for Social Entrepreneurship, Cooperatives, and Economic Democracy in Slovene Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in January 2020.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)